How to Get Bad Quality Videos Improved with Enhancer AI
Formerly, we often used video editing software to improve the video quality through the algorithms that come with the software, like color correction, grain removal, noise reduction, basic correction including tone, exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, white, and black, on condition that we have professional editing skills. Now, fortunately, for users who are lacking editing skills and want to get the bad quality videos improved automatically through the various algorithms, you come to the right place. If you have bad-quality videos, read this article to learn how to fix these bad-quality videos with the power of Video Enhancer AI, automatically and magically.

1. Why Does the Quality of My Video Look Bad?
There are several factors that can result in poor or bad video quality when using a camera or mobile phone to take videos. Some environmental factors that are out of our control may contribute to the bad quality of videos, such as bad lighting, camera shake, overexposure, low bitrate, online transferring compression, etc. Besides, the movies, TV shows, animes that we downloaded from the internet about 5 years ago or ealier, most of them might be in 480p, or 720p. When we play these old videos on our computer, iPad, or TV, we will also experience visual issues, like blurry, grainy, speckled, out-of-sync, etc.
AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI is such a powerful tool to improve the video quality, whether the videos taken from your camera, mobile phone, or old videos downloaded from a long time ago. This automatic video enhancement tool can handle them easily and boost the video quality to a high level. Thanks to AI technology, machine learning algorithms (Multi-frame Enhancment and Super Resolution), you can use AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI to get the bad quality videos highly improved automatically with a few clicks, no need to spend too much effort on things that you are unfamiliar with and too much time to fine-tune through the tiresome filters.

AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI
Get the best video quality with multi-frame enhance
Upscale the real resolution with super resolution
Fix the blurry video with AI denoise and sharpen
AI face recovery to recover faces and enhance details
AI face blur to add blur to moving faces with one-click
2. How to Fix Your Bad Quality Videos?
Read on the step-by-step tutorial below to learn how to do fix your blurry videos to improve the quality with AVCLabs Video Ehnacer AI.
Add the bad quality video
Before starting, please check out the system and hardware requirements of AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI.
After installing, launch AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI and you will see the intuitive interface shown as below.

Then click the "Browse" button or drag&drop to add the bad quality video you want to imrove to the program.

Choose the AI Model and Video Size
On the right panel of AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI, you can choose the AI Model as 'AI Upscaler'. Select 'Denoise' or 'Face Refinement' if necessary. However, selecting one of these two additional models means a bit slower processing time.

Then you can choose the output resolution you prefer.

Trim your footage
To save the processing time, you can trim the footage to delete the unnecessary parts.

Configure other settings to improve video quality
Though AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI can fix the bad quality videos and improve the video quality by simply applying the AI models, it also offers more options to allow you to modify to reach better results.
1) Deinlacing to make the old videos progressive.
2) Modifying the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation.

Start fixing the bad quality videos
Finally, you can click the "Start Processing" button to start fixing the bad quality video to get the quality improved. To process the video with high efficiency, we advise you to upgrade your GPU to NVIDIA RTX series.

That’it!With AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI, to fix your bad quality videos will be much easier, no fine-tune, no filters, no editing skills required. Whether you are a professional or a freshman, it is your best choice ever.